Crystal Mathura Crystal Mathura

Serving Up Thanks and Sharing Knowledge: Referral Appreciation at its Finest!

Serving Up Thanks and Sharing Knowledge: Referral Appreciation at its Finest!

Although Thanksgiving is right around the corner, the Total Endo team got a jump on giving thanks by hosting our 2nd annual referral appreciation CE course in accordance with the ADA CERP on November 15th, from 6:00-8:00 PM.

The official CE course topic, “Endodontic Case Difficulty Assessment & Referral: Do the Root Canal Treatment or Refer to an Endodontist,” was presented by our charismatic speaker, the very in-demand endodontist and owner of Total Endo, Dr. Janatha “Jonny” Withanachchi.

The purpose of the CE course was to help attendees gain the ability to identify and classify endodontic cases using the AAE Case Difficulty Assessment Form, and recognize which procedures should be within the capabilities of the generalist in order to make the appropriate referral when required.

In order to effectively make these assessments, Dr. Jonny presented the risk ratings, 1-3; 1 representing average or uncomplicated cases, 2 indicating high or complicated and 3 signaling an extreme risk. By relying on this rating system, along with the American Society of Anesthesiologists Classification System, and individual patient considerations, practitioners can determine when to refer, rather than treat.

As Dr. Jonny says, “I believe in creating a pain-free experience, not just during treatment but throughout your entire journey. Let’s keep your smile shining!”

Learn more about Dr. Jonny’s background and expertise by clicking here to read his bio.

Hosted at Morton’s Steakhouse Hackensack location, our 16 attendees enjoyed a first-class three-course meal, beer and wine, and the chance to participate in our raffle.

We’re delighted to report that the event was a huge hit, thanks to our enthusiastic attendees.

Dr. Jonny was joined by Total Endo’s other two esteemed endodontists, Dr. Claudia Garces and Dr. Gyu Park, who answered questions and presented referral appreciation gifts. 

Somehow the evening flew by, leaving us excited to plan our next referral appreciation event, especially in light of feedback from our attendees, like this:

This is the second time I’ve gone to a CE event hosted by the Total Endo team and they, once again, outdid themselves. It’s refreshing to register for CE opportunities that are actually fun to attend, and I always learn something from these amazing endodontists.”  

We’re blushing!

For endodontic expertise that is convenient to you, we invite you to visit either of our two locations in Englewood or South Orange.

Either way, you can’t go wrong, as you can see by this review, which also speaks to the importance of knowing when to refer your patient to an endodontist…

“First, I had a bad practice at a different dentist. I went to a new one and she told me I had to find an endodontist to do a root canal. I found Total Endo which has excellent reviews…I am more than happy, I went yesterday to have the treatment done and surprisingly I didn't even notice when Dr. Jonny gave me anesthesia. I don't even feel like I had a root canal. Such a great experience and all the staff were very friendly.”

Ready to refer your patients to our Total Endo team?

Visit this page to refer patients electronically. We look forward to exceeding their expectations and we pride ourselves on being the ideal referral partner for your practice.

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Crystal Mathura Crystal Mathura

Total Endo Open House: We are so Total-ly Thankful!

When our Total Endo team put out the word about our June 8th open house, “Stop and Smell the Rosé with Dr. Gyu Park,” we never anticipated such a warm embrace by the Englewood community.

When our Total Endo team put out the word about our June 8th open house, “Stop and Smell the Rosé with Dr. Gyu Park,” we never anticipated such a warm embrace by the Englewood community. 

Our Favorite Open House Footage

New to this area, we had no idea how welcoming and generous our Englewood neighbors would prove to be, which makes us even happier that we have chosen this fantastic location for our endodontic practice. 

Like proud parents with a wallet full of photos (okay, we’re dating ourselves), check out our favorite footage from the open house, including the ribbon-cutting ceremony featuring Englewood’s Chamber of Commerce and Englewood’s Mayor, Michael Wildes, Esq. #ProudMoment

Meet Englewood’s New Endodontist, Dr. Gyu Park

For those who weren’t able to attend, here is a little information about Dr. Park. 

Dr. Gyu Park is Englewood’s newest board-certified endodontist and is at the helm of Total Endo’s new office, conveniently located at 300 Grand Avenue, Suite 204, right here in Englewood. 

Check Out Dr. Park’s Impressive Bio!

Dr. Gyu Park developed a special interest in Endodontics while working as a general practitioner. It was extremely satisfying for him to treat patients with teeth-related diseases and cure their symptoms without having to extract the problematic teeth. 

Dr. Park completed the Endodontics Residency program at New York University and became a Board-certified Endodontist as a result of following his passion (Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics).

On a daily basis, Dr. Park sees pediatric, adult, geriatric, emergency, and medically compromised patients. His clinical experience includes root canal treatment, retreatment, apicoectomy, incision and drainage, root resection, hemisection, dental trauma management, autotransplantation, and intentional tooth replantation.



Schedule your consultation, root canal, retreatment or 3D CBCT scan today.

Give us a call at 201-308-6911. We look forward to meeting you! 

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