What To Expect

First of all, don’t be worried! We promise to take excellent care of you and alleviate your pain. With our modern technology, this is generally a painless experience. A root canal is usually no more painful than a dental filling or cleaning. Most of our patients are relieved of their pain and discomfort even before the treatment is completed.

These are the steps:

1.      Total Endo examines your digital images and then provides a topical anesthetic to numb the area to be treated.  Then we place a “rubber dam” over the area to isolate the tooth and keep it clean and free of saliva during the treatment. 

2.      Our endodontists use small specialized instruments to open the crown of the tooth.  The diseased pulp is removed from the pulp chambers and root canals. They then shape the space for filling. 

3.      Once this is complete, the tooth will be filled with a rubber-like biocompatible material called gutta-percha to stabilize and seal the tooth. The tooth is then sealed with an adhesive cement to ensure complete sealing of the root canal. We then place a temporary filling to close the opening.  This temporary filling will be removed from your general dentist.

4.      Within two weeks after your root canal treatment, you must return to your dentist to have a crown or other restoration placed on the tooth to protect and restore it to full function.  This last step ensures saving the tooth for a lifetime.

If you have a damaged tooth, tooth pain, or have noticed discoloration in a tooth, come in for a visit to see if a root canal can restore your dental health.


Learn About Root Canal Safety and Modern Treatment Options

Did you know that root canals are no longer painful? Endodontists use advanced technology to offer a modern, painless treatment. We have the tools and skills to perform thousands of root canals safely, completely and comfortably.


Get Up to Speed on Today’s Root Canal Treatments

Learn How Endodontists Perform Thousands of Root Canal Treatments Every Year.